His Spirit Dwells in You

I had the most amazing dream last night. I saw a glimpse of heaven within my reach. It was too wonderful. I have never felt such incredible peace and pull toward something. I recognized that it wasn’t excitement from something that might bring me pleasure here on earth, but something in my soul, and pulling me in with my sight, making me want to close my eyes and go into the all encapsulating light. But I heard a voice, telling me it wasn’t time yet, wait it’s too wonderful to see. This spiraling white rainbow of gleaming light, a tunnel, into a whole new reality of what it means to fully be alive in God’s radiant light…. and I was okay leaving it, knowing that it’s not my time yet. I’m needed here. My children matter most. That’s what I was told. All that matters now is your children. 

But it wasn’t told to me by God. It was told to me by a friend, a messenger… someone who has left their body in this earth months now. I was incredibly honored to be visited. I had the feeling while I was dreaming of being welcomed into their family, their life as it was and their home, and being wanted there. Never understanding or knowing that he was gone from this place, while being in the dream. It wasn’t until minutes later, that I remembered he wasn’t here in our reality anymore. And that’s when I was honored… I realized he meant SO much to SO many people… thousands. And yet, when I was visiting with him, my dream brought me to his home. Where I was a sister. A friend. A family member, an equal. Without shame. Without failure hanging on my chest. Free. I knew where I came from, but they didn’t hold a candle to me. They accepted me. They made it seem like we all have things in our life that are hard or devastating or embarrassing. And that it’s okay to be who we are…. The light inside of us keeps us alive. I spent time with his sister, bike riding, laughing, she made me feel special, loved. I felt honored to be this close to their family. An incredible moment. It felt like hours, days really. It felt so special.

But what I remember most is the light, pulling me in to a place my spirit wanted more than anything to go. Where he had gone. Where he is safe now. And him telling me. It’s not time yet, you have a life now, all that matters is your kids now.

And my realization of letting go of the opening to the light, which was all consuming. Letting go for now, knowing that my home is here on earth where my journey has just begun… loving on our children, my husband and I, together. But knowing that we are part of a greater body. An eternity waits us, and I need to help my children by being here. Showing them I love and care. Caring for them, I got the sense for me that it’s okay and good and right for me to be an at home mom, maybe my destiny of sorts… after all, I can do the most good for my family by being there. Showing them I love and care. Reading to them, teaching our children about God, Jesus, and his Spirit inside of us who calls us to be light… 

I am human. I get angry. I am not perfect. And I have faults, many of them. But my love, the love that God awakens in my heart to love and care for our children, our home, our family…. And those around me. It’s a mission, a purpose, and I aim to do it with all that I am, remembering these beautiful sacred words… it’s not time yet, all that matters now is your kids. They need me. The people in your life need you. You have purpose, wherever you are in life! Don’t ever forget how loved you are. This person did not forget. And now he is probably finishing his mission of letting all the people in his life and who possibly knew him to know, it’s not time yet, you have a life, and all that matters now…. Is loving like Christ. 

Again, I am not perfect, and I would like to remind you all of that. But I have faith in Jesus who died on the cross for my sins. He forgave me of every last one, not that I keep on sinning, but that I remember I am loved.

There is a future in store for me that is SO beyond anything I could possibly gain or accomplish or know here on this beautiful earth that God made… where I get to love and care for our kids, my husband and I. With Jesus, all things are possible. And last night was no doubt one of them…. Thank you Jesus for reminding me that heaven is just behind our sight, and that this world, the people in it matter so much, that you would send a friend, someone who means so much to you and so much to others, to come and remind me, of your light. And your forgiveness. And your love. So powerful. 

This was not just a dream. This was so real to me. Never have I felt so close to heaven in that moment, I know for sure I was visited. I know for sure I believe in heaven and Jesus and I know for sure my purpose, all that matters now is my sweet and beautiful children. And that means reading to them, feeding them, caring for them, being there for them, supporting them in their dreams and efforts, just like our parents who love us and just like God had done for us. I am safe. I am known, I am held. And I am part of a much greater family than I ever could have known…. Waiting for us all in heaven, for all who believe in the Lord Jesus will be saved. He died to make us whole. To cancel out the sin, forever, everything that makes us less than… so we can be with God. In his realm. But first…. All that matters most is loving and serving and giving to those right in front of us… so that they will know and love God too. So we can all be together. A family, loved by Jesus, His Spirit, and our true father, creator, and amazing friend, God.

I am praying for you to know and love Jesus, today. No matter where you are, know that you are loved. And know that all that matters now, is to love the ones God gave you. You are doing your part, you are helping you are serving you are loving right where you are… and one day, we can all experience that all encapsulating love that frees us of our shackles of humanhood, and brings us to the Father of light, our God and Savior, and Lord Jesus Christ.

Love Daisy 💜 trusting in You, God. Today and always. You give me the peace and strength and love I need. To be the one thing I need to be, me.


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