Thoughts on Life and Cinnamon Rolls

I have this thought about life and cinnamon rolls that I feel is worth sharing. 

Right now I really want a cinnamon roll. They are in my freezer. I actually am quite hungry as I have been up a while, yet I know one thing. As soon as I eat the cinnamon roll, I will want another. It will never be enough. If you are stuck thinking on cinnamon rolls and trying to figure out when the nearest bakery will be open this morning, imagine being a baker yourself and having ten cinnamon rolls in your freezer right now and then try stopping yourself from just eating all of them. The things we do to ourselves. 🙄 😂 🧁 

Now back to thinking about life. Probably what I want more than anything right now, aside from taking care of my family and loving those who are close to my heart, is to move even closer to my family. Long drives weekly add up and this is a desirable gift we are hoping to achieve, in gas money and time together doing simple things, hi, how are you, how was your day, want a cinnamon roll? I have ten in my freezer. 🙄

This is fairly accomplishable with good, no perfect, timing and yet the waiting is the hardest part. Just knowing that a potential move is around the corner has never been enough for me… I have the desire to solve every little tiny piece before it comes to fruition. Before it’s even possible. This creates chaos for those around me distantly, and especially for those I love near me.

I am not perfect. We all know that innately. And I know that God has made me to be the beautiful, loving, supportive wife and mother to our beautiful children. That is my first and foremost job God has given me so graciously and I love it and I have all that I need in Him. He gives me strength and peace when I spend time with Him, thank you Jesus. You are enough. In me, and without me, but I am only enough as I trust in you. You give me peace and strength and only you can help me wait graciously for that perfect timing.

Here’s another fun fact, and comparison.

I could literally have this beautiful, wonderful, five-star home for our family all lined up, laid out, and measured out perfectly so we could move in today, and it wouldn’t be enough. I would still want more. Crave more. Now that I’m closer I would want to decorate flawlessly, be flawless in my conversations and present myself well, I would want to strive for excellence, care for my family and myself, and then figure out each day how to live my best life… 

I don’t think any of this is wrong. Except I can’t be perfect. Everyone knows I am flawed. They love me and spend time with me, anyway. And also, it’s okay that I want these things, to be closer, to have life figured out, to eat that cinnamon roll. 🙄

But I don’t need to right now. It won’t solve my happiness. It won’t make me feel better. And I wont stop wanting more. So what can I do about that? Well I can pray. I can rest. I can find peace in Jesus. I can talk with him about the things that I need, and thank him for all the things I want and all the things he has graciously, amazingly, and perfectly laid out for me. My husband, our children, our home, our family near by, our friends, our hobbies, our school and work… we have all we need and more.

So later today when I start searching the internet for our future home which may or may not be ready for us yet, and when that freezer beckons my name with one more cinnamon roll 💜, I can remember just one thing. Stop, and pray, ask myself if I really need all of that today. Or if I’m okay. Maybe everything is really okay. 💜

Simply trusting in Jesus for strength, rest and peace and praying he gives you the same… thank you, Jesus, help me rest and trust in you. I trust you. Love Daisy. Amen.

Trust in the Lord

With all your heart

And lean not on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him,

And he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Such a beautiful gift he offers us. Such true and lasting peace, if we are still and rest in him. Even for a moment. His peace is waiting for all who call in him in faith and truth. I trust you, Jesus. You can too. Hugs.

Daisy 💜💕🌸


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